3 Things I Learned From Tina Roth Eisenberg

This month, we were lucky enough to be joined by one of my career role models, Tina Roth Eisenberg. Known for her design blog Swiss Miss, for creating the community CreativeMornings, and for so much more, we talked about our relationship to work, what the pandemic has given us, and parenting.

Here are my three biggest takeaways from our talk, in case you missed it:

1. Work is Not Always #1

Without the distractions of office environment, snacks and constant access to caffeine, we’ve learned a few things about how we work. Tina shared about how she used to be a workaholic and caught up in the busybusybusy machine.

For many of us in big cities, our early career was likely spent hustling. Working longer hours, taking on extracurricular projects, and supporting a full social calendar. I wonder what would have happened to us if we all had a pandemic experience in the first year or two of our career.

Together we discussed what would our careers look like if we knew that we needed regular walks outside. Or that checking our email from bed is making us burned out. Or that sometimes we just need an afternoon off to take care of non-work stuff. Actually, even to do nothing, for that matter.

One thing the pandemic has (hopefully) taught us is to take better care of ourselves and make sure we’re spending more time away from our computers and desks.

2. The universe gives you signs. Listen.

I’m a big believer in synchronicity. The idea that our brains try and make connections out of seemingly meaningless coincidental events. But if you believe more than that, you’re open to the idea that the universe is giving you signs.

For Tina, this idea came up in discussing an upcoming book she’s writing.

She’s had a lot of talks where she’s had to define her way of living and the lessons she’s learned. Each of them has created lasting impact as others take her advice and apply it in their own lives. She’s complained for years about never having a business book that teaches how to run a business like she does.

So after enough people telling her she should write a book and after enough talks that have been hinted to her that could be turned into a book, she took each one as a little sign from the universe.

The sign: she’s ready.

The universe is trying to tell you something (are you listening?).

3. Listen to your energy with everything

For decades, Tina has had a practice of reflecting on her energy after an activity.

It comes from her following the work of Abraham Hicks, to pay attention to how you feel after an event. Time with friends, watching a tv episode, scrolling on your phone, even work.

After years of doing that, she identified that doing the administrative part of her work was draining her of energy. So when she was able to, she hired someone to take over that work and be the office manager and her work got so much better because she was able to focus on the energizing parts.

Additionally, she uses the practice with her children. After hanging out with friends or watching a YouTube video, they’ve gotten so good at being in touch with their own energy, that she mentions her son will say “I don’t like the way I feel after watching XYZ channel or Instagram account. I’m going to unfollow them.”

We could all use a little more of that, to be in touch with how the things we interact with affect our energy, and adjust accordingly.

Watch the entire conversation here:

Caveday is a company aimed at improving your relationship to work. We write regular posts here and send out monthly newsletters with productivity tips, life hacks, and recommendations. Sign up for the mailing list here.

Tina Roth Eisenberg aka Swiss Miss is the founder of CreativeMornings, Tattly, TeuxDeux, and the blog Swiss Miss. You can find her on Twitter and Instagram at @swissmiss.

Jake Kahana is a cofounder of Caveday. Sign up for his personal emails, called “The Email Refrigerator” here.