What Does YOUR Stuck Look Like?


Over the years, I've kept a running list of metaphors for what it feels like to be stuck.
They've helped me reframe everything from major career transitions to just feeling unsure of a small project.
Knowing that most of us are in some sort of liminal place right now, I hope there's something in here that helps.Feeling stuck can be like a:

I'm not right in my own skin. It's uncomfortable and too tight. To escape, I must shed a layer of who I thought I was.
I've outgrown my space and it's no longer protecting me. To move forward, I must brave a moment of vulnerability and leave my current situation for something similar, but new.
I'm meant to be something else, but it's hard to see what that transformation looks like. To truly go through it, I must be ready, isolate for a period of time and emerge as something or someone totally new.

I'm building speed and needing some runway ahead of me to take off amid unbelievable odds.
Career trajectories are not all ladders. Sometimes lateral moves can make sense to climb and explore more easily.
There's some treasure waiting to be discovered, I just have to keep trying new ideas until it unlocks.
I'm stuck, trapped inside a block of marble. I am this amazing thing waiting to come out. I just need to strip away the excess, chisel off the unneeded pieces and stuff to reveal what was there all along.

I may have been picked early and gotten confused that that meant I was ready. I just need some time to ripen (but I better pay attention because it's a short window of opportunity).
I'm trying to do something alone, when really, I'm best when accompanied by the right partner. I can make the difference in an incredible sandwich, dressing, or marinade.

Like Spiderman being bitten, a new set of skills and identity will come from a dire, scary situation. I need to go through this and see how I will be transformed.
Something big and exciting is coming, but it requires labor and pain before it emerges.

Caveday is a company aimed at improving your relationship to work. We write regular posts on Medium and send out monthly newsletters with productivity tips, life hacks, and recommendations. Sign up for the mailing list here.

Jake Kahana is a cofounder of Caveday. Sign up for his personal emails, called “The Email Refrigerator” here.