Energy Management for Your Body

They say that we’re knowledge workers, that we no longer manufacture products like our factory-working grandparents. Instead, we produce strategies and solutions, presentations and pitches. We manufacture ideas. And we do it using the machine power of our computer. Like any machine, we need to take care of these idea engines, which breaks down like this:

It needs fuel– making sure it’s got a power source and energy to function.

It needs maintenance– updating the operating system, organizing files and deleting unnecessary ones. Dusting it off and wiping things clean can keep it working smoothly.

And it needs rest– surprisingly, if you ran your machine 24/7, it can overheat or simply malfunction more easily.

When it comes to our own personal energy management, we can think of our body as a machine. It requires the same care.

When we work, we’re often staring at a screen, sitting in the same chair for hours. Our eyes are strained, our back gets sore, our muscles constrict. We get tired. So, here’s how we can manage our energy and take care of our body, just like a machine:

Fuel - We need to find foods that will nourish our body. Sugar and oily foods can make our bodies have spikes and crashes in energy. Snacks with high glycemic index (basically more protein and fiber, less fat and sugar– like nuts, a piece of fruit, an egg) give us the energy we need to focus, manage distractions, generate ideas, and execute without crashing. And don’t forget about hydration. Being even 2% dehydrated (that’s even before you feel thirsty!)* Is shown to impair performance that requires attention and memory skills. Refill!

Maintenance - Just like a machine, our body breaks down. Sitting in one position for 8 hours a day is, without exaggeration, deadly. A recent study by the Mayo Clinic found that “those who sat for more than eight hours a day with no physical activity had a risk of dying similar to that posed by obesity and smoking.”** So learn to take breaks. If you’re able to, stand up while you’re on calls, have literal stand-up meetings with your team, or try walking meetings. Not only will you burn more calories and feel more energized, but it might just save your life. (Maybe an exaggeration, but hey, seems like it couldn’t hurt.)

Rest - Just like a machine, your body needs to take breaks. Actually, even more so.

Rituals to wrap up your work day can help you feel more comfortable stopping (you know, without feeling like you’re going to fall behind or that someone will need you immediately). Write out your open loops for the things that need to get done. Plan your day tomorrow. Go for a 5 minute walk to clear your head. Any short ritual to feel complete will help you create the boundary you need to stop working for the day. Spending all day in your office chair only to go and sit in the dining room chair and then sit on the couch is not rest. Vary your movement and let your body move in different ways. Play, walk, rest, exercise, run. Sleep! Your body needs rest or it will break down!

The whole concept of “knowledge work” (including the name) implies that our brain is what matters. Which, to us at Caveday, implies a huge oversight. To ignore our body at work is to try and cook without pots and pans. Our body is the medium that holds our brain. When we take care of our body better, our brain functionality gets better too.




Caveday is a company aimed at improving your relationship to work. We write regular posts on Medium and send out monthly newsletters with productivity tips, life hacks, and recommendations. Sign up for the mailing list here.

Jake Kahana is a cofounder of Caveday. Sign up for his personal emails, called “The Email Refrigerator” here.